We are committed to excellence, making sure that our clients not only benefit from our expertise, but stay with us for the long term. More often than not, candidates believe we are part of their team! However, for them as well as for you, we ensure we remain professional and objective, respecting the strict code of ethics of recruitment.
At Ways International we are continually improving on and evolving our search methodology to adapt to both new market and new technology challenges. Our innovative approach allows you to focus your time, and financial investment, whilst we safeguard the quality: Quality of shortlisted candidates, quality of the process.
Every week you receive a status report on the assignment: candidates approached, daily activity updates. For us keeping you up-to-date is the foundation to a successful partnership.
Our innovative methodologies, as referenced by NICTs, ensure efficiency and effectiveness of both your time and cost investment, without impairing the quality of our service. They are particularly well suited to start-ups who clearly need to recruit in numbers, on a tight budget.
Ways International works together with client and candidate throughout the recruitment process, by focusing on providing effective, top quality solutions that meet the needs of both our clients, and the aspirations of the candidates.
‘Success is in the detail’ and fundamental to any recruitment process, for both recruiter and candidate. A seamless process, which is natural to us, ensuring that every step of the way even the smallest of details has been addressed for a successful outcome: confirmation of interviews, verbal and written, regular updates and feedback…diligent and expeditious.
We care passionately about how we manage the ‘human’ interface, and place the utmost importance on managing expectations ethically and professionally.
For us this means: